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Yummy sugar-free hot chocolate. It's gonna be good!


what a lovely day for a book

By now, everyone and their grandmother should know of my love of anything that comes out of an Anthropologie store. These are no different. When we visited an Anthropologie a few weeks ago, I found these Penguin classics.

These are my favorite covers. Don't they make you want to wait for the next rainy day, grab a copy, and sit by the fire reading while munching on a few cookies?  Would you like to try to diagram that last sentence? :)

Anyways, you can find them on the Anthropologie website and store, or you can search DealOz or Amazon for some less-expensive ones.  At Anthropologie, they're twenty dollars, thirteen at Amazon, and about eleven when you search DealOz. With savings like that you could definitely get a few more!